Eliza Morrill is a Georgia-based content creator, design enthusiast, and full-time professional photographer.

After renovating and then selling their first home - a midcentury ranch, Eliza and her husband, Mike, set their sights on something larger: a condemned home in their town’s historic district. After spending 3 chaotic years restoring the 150-year-old Victorian, they moved themselves and their four children into what they hope will be their forever home.

To Eliza, a home is never truly “done”, and the real fun comes with the ever-constant “tinkering.” Whether she’s reframing artwork with thrifted pieces, perusing online auctions, or adding yet another houseplant to the mix - she finds joy in small changes over time.


Join me for KEPT– my one-hour, online phone photography course for parents.

Designed to take the frustration out of photography, KEPT gives you the tools to create beautiful photos of your children— consistently.

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